Dont care to have WHO dictate OUR HC needs sorry NO

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How is it that you're so convinced it's all China's fault? it would be refreshing to see you write about at least one positive thing in regards to China: such as their contributions toward our deficit, or that we still receive at least 18.6 % of trade from there. Of course there are several points of discussion, but after learning America's enabling of drug cartels all over the world for decades, it seems a bit ridiculous to think they'd let an " enemy " control some of their best interests.

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Please share widely. As early as May 31, 2024, Biden could sign away our national sovereignty to the WHO. This essay makes clear that is exactly what he will do. And the scary part is that Biden could unilaterally make the WHO Plandemic Treaty US law without any support from the House or Senate. If this happens there must be a peaceful 2nd American Revolution in order to reclain our rights under the Bill of Rights. This is a bridge too far.

Biden likely to sign away national and individual sovereignty by signing WHO Pandemic Treaty

Biden can implement WHO Pandemic Treaty without Senate approval on May 31st, 2024


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Obviously it's bigger than Biden, he's just a figurehead. this was obviously pre-planned.

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The issue we are shown and is advanced is rarely the real issue. I believe the Anglo-American cabal is in partnership with the Bank of China and CCP. The Anglo-American cabal uses China as a shield to advance what they want to deploy across the globe. Also, thr Anglo-American cabal is very adept at having a boogeyman for the masses to fear and hate. China is our enemy, but China is a partner with the Anglo-American cabal. Globalists have zero allegiance to any country, only to themselves and their selfish agenda.

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May 3·edited May 3

It matters not who is behind the WHO curtain. I retain the right to personal sovereignty as a human being and that can only be cancelled by my death. But WHO wants us dead in any event so that opens the possibility of taking out a few of their provocateurs as I meet my fate. You listening teddy the tyrant?

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I don't believe this Chinese influence BS. It all has to do with funding and keeping the funders happy to keep the funds flowing.

Follow the money!!

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