Deport every single solitary one of the people Biden let in. That’s a good start, and don’t forget:VOTE TRUMP

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I was working on the replacement of my roof all day today and read about the webinar tonight after sundown. I am disappointed that I didn’t have a chance to attend. Such is life, I guess, but I must keep on top of things, literally, for my home and family. Keep up the important research Frank Gaffney and guests, thanks. Charles

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Why would anyone want to attend or support an organization with only corporate sponsors whose interests are never in support of what is best for human life and whose interests are only corporate profits. This is a pro corporate venue that deserves contempt rather than support. Example: Ross Kennedy, Founder, Fortis Analysis; logistics industry veteran operating agribusiness, chemical, energy, humanitarian, food, defense, and water supply chains – Topic: “Our Endangered Critical Food Infrastructure” AGRIBUSINESS (geoengineered food) CHEMICAL (more pesticides) ENERGY (more wireless antennas, nuclear power plants, oil) HUMANITARIAN (money influencing talking points of non-profits) DEFENSE (military industrial complex profiteering off the slaughter of palestinian children and others via endless wars) WATER SUPPLY CHAINS (Privatizing water, taking from the public and controlling our water) These are the demons in this presentation.

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Have been since Obama in office to date via Deep State

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If the Chinese wanted to damage our infrastructure, they wouldn't have to go to all the trouble to sabotage a freighter belonging to a shipping company with numerous safety complaints.

No foreign government is responsible for this, only our own, which is owned by capitalists who don't want to invest a dime in safety.

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You better look at the CIA....

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