Dont trust TT since tool for CCP spying

Have to be super decoded NOT to spy if possible

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The main reason TIKTOK was cancelled is bc it showed Israel's genocide up close and personal. Now you can't even say "Free Palestine" without getting blocked. The U.S. congress and Pres Rump cancelled the 1st amendment as it was antithetical and an embarrasment to their masters.

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I think if our government were really trying to "protect" us from China, they'd be shutting down the Chinese run police stations in our country, revoking China's buying up all our farmland, and revoke China buying up all our food processing plants, rather than shutting down an avenue of free speech used by younger people

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And why would Biden ban it on the last day?

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Why did Trump temporarily pause the ban? Instant use TT to reach millions of millennials? Anyone able to enlighten me on this? I don’t see anyone other reason

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Will this recording be made available?

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