The TikTok legislation is simply closing another loophole where too much TRUTH is able to seep through. FUCK FACEBOOK

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The Security cluster is concerned about Tik Tok, but not so much about China buying up US farmland and some in close proximity to a US Miltary Communications Centre; nor to Biden family's spurious business dealings with corporations in China. Make it make sense !

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I don't buy this. For instance, listen (or read) what the eminent economist, Michael Hudson has to say.

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If they don't get rid of fascistbook, as I've said day one since Brandon took office, doing away with Tik Tok won't make a difference. Did Tik Tok donate $400,000 PLUS to the demon-rat party and censor anything negative about scamdemic, clot shots, or masks? Does Tik Tok censor Christianity?! I personally left fascistbook Nov '20 and haven't missed a thing! I have no desire to have Tik Tok and know the smut that's allowed on there. Those 2 social media sites, along with Twatter X, is mindless entertainment that brainwashes people! However, why do we even care or try when there's just as many Christian Conservatives on them THAT KNOW THIS?! All I ever hear is...I'd get rid of it, but it's the only way to keep up with all my friends and family. 🤮 Let's be clear...we all keep up with most important friends and family via text anyway! The rest are acquaintances or people we felt obligated for one reason or another to accept their request. Usually because they just want to know your business which WAY too many post their dirty laundry ALL over which ALWAYS blew my mind!!! Fascistbook along with Twatter X also cultivated the acceptance of people believing they were allowed to talk to anybody the way they wanted! Let's be clear...if you say that crap to someone's face...you'll be picking your teeth up! I'll also add who got put in fascistbook jail?! Conservatives or Libtards threatening people?! Freedom of speech was never intended for the purpose of telling someone if they vote for Trump it's because they just need a good fucking! If I had a dollar for everytime someone commented that to me I'd be rich! At times it felt threatening like you DESERVE a fucking if you vote for Trump! With several who'd jump on board and attack you too! All fascistbook is good for is people talking to strangers so ugly it's mind boggling! Now I did believe and still do...alot were paid instigators. Remember you could search for spam checkers? I don't know if you still can? When I left I had HUNDREDS of them blocked! And they'd spell it every which way possible, but you could find them! I'm sure in case there was ever a lawsuit they could say...we made them transparent. Which in all the different spellings they were anything BUT transparent! And MOSTLY Muslim I'll add! Until we get a NO CENSORING LAW...getting rid of Tik Tok is pointless. Zuckerprick has already been found guilty of selling our information. Fascistbook has been hacked HOW many times over the years?! When we left we chose to have a copy of our entire fascistbook profile sent and not just pics before we DEACTIVATED our accounts...it included EVERY like, dislike, comment, page we followed, and every pm we hadn't deleted! Just the other day Zuckerprick was grilled by Congress about child porn/trafficking/harm and guess what will get done...nada, zilch, zero! People do not understand he makes BILLIONS off ads and if there were no people to solicit to no one would advertise on there! You have to cut the head off to kill the beast! Cutting off an arm won't fix anything. It won't even pave the way. If they haven't got Zuckerprick by now they won't. The demon-rat party needs him and his platform too badly. Who's more than likely selling your information to China either freely or allowing their systems to be hacked. They just don't want China getting your information for free on Tik Tok!

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SUCH BS! Tiktok is what the big worry is! Why?? Because they dont censor! People post more truth on that platform than you find on any other social media! It’s one way young people are getting the details of how much the government hates them! A BETTER idea would be to stop selling land tho the CCP and allowing them into our universities and etc. etc. etc. etc. Let’s have a look at how a country that has alway been archenemy number one makes every damn thing on our shelves and apparently most important medicines! What a bunch of really bad ideas! Biden’s best buddies with them! They’ve paid him handsomely for the friendship! But he’s innocent of wrongdoing because he’s been given senile old man status???? WTF is that. Lets get onto battling something more threatening; the WHO! China being the largest supporter and then there’s good old Bill GatesofHell! Tiktok is not the biggest problem here!

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Thanks for informing us!

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The Tik Tok bill just passed WILL INCREASE CENSORSHIP Not delete censorship

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