Apr 4·edited Apr 4

This article leaves out the main players- the nazi/commie/demonic/NWO Globalists pulling the strings behind all of this- including running China. The EU leaders, WEF, IMF. Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Macron, Zelansky, Blackrock, WHO/UN, CERN, Fake Pope Jorge, the demonrats/RINO's, and fascist corporations that have take over the government through their lobbyist bribers. .

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Irony: “conservatives” raging against leftist totalitarian indoctrination, using the pre-eminent newspeak term of leftist totalitarian indoctrination: gender. Psychopath John Money popularized the term gender as a means of socializing prefixes and suffixes and variables which can’t be used with the correct word: SEX. But America loves euphemisms, especially for terms like SEX. More syllables are better, no?

Words and plants have gender. People have SEX: Male and Female. Just the two. XX and XY.

Control the language and control the thoughts. Stop using the lying term gender and start using the honest term - SEX.

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Exactly who are the demonic leftists to define all the words in the dictionary now. The Trojan Horse Bioweapon Frankenshots are NOT vaccines- they are GENETIC ENGINEERING JABS.

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China will use warfare to assult America A-Z TG Easter is PsyOp from China

Now Biden wants to aid China with our patents

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Dear Mr. Gaffney, I see you on the WARROOM often. I am unable to attend any webinars because I am unwilling to install Zoom on this PC for many reasons, but I would like to offer your audience a consolation gift. It is the Yuri Bezmenov Interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984. It's far better than the Utube one, but it is has a big foot print: 1:21:07; 2.9 GB; MP4; 800:600, 4802 kb/s, 29.97 fps; audio 48 kHz @ 255 kb/s. The link follows: https://rumble.com/v4o4v23-deception-was-my-jobthe-testimony-of-yuri-bezmenov-propagandist-for-the-kgb.html

-best (800:600):


I think that it came off of an old VCR tape?

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Our military, not China.

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This was our government, not China. Our corporations, not China.

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Transgender deviants are 'INVISIBLE' to me!

In late 2023, we,the people, terminated the 'UNELECTED' and now (Bill Gates's) corrupt World Health Organisation due to their cunning intentions to imposing regulations, via a supposed Health Treaty, intended to dictate ALL actions relating to real or fictitious health related health matters, whether they really exist or are a means of imposing actions, rules, 'LAWS' as determined by the devious WHO.

Whether such health 'issues' really exist or are falsely declared by the WHO. The WHO Treaty is/was an instrument intended for human control and manipulation to justify the New World Order's (= The WEF) draconian mandates intended to control and enslave all but the 'Elites', by coercion, 'deadly medication', restriction of movement, imprisonment, torture or any other totalitarian method choose.

The WHO no longer exist as a plausible responsible health influence and, we the people, reject all of their future intentions beyond November 2023.

We the people have spoken! The World Health Organisation no longer exists.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed since 2019 in order to live longer and to defend personal Freedoms along with National Sovereignty and to fight the tyranny planned by The New World Order (WEF) through their their numerous puppets - referred to as the 'Elite'.

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